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Reading the Bible can be hard and confusing. As a new believer or someone who is just curious about the Christian faith, certain phrases or Biblical references can raise an eyebrow during conversation. When I was growing up, I would always hear vocabulary thrown around in sermons and conversations with older believers and I would normally just pretend like I knew what they were talking about. I might have had an idea, but I would have to ask my parents what it meant or look it up later. The goal of my writing is to take some of those non-self-explanatory concepts and make them a little easier to understand. I am not a theologian, nor do I have a seminary degree. However, through both real-life lessons and reading the Bible for years, I have been gifted these words from God.
I hope that if you are not a Christian, that this encourages and challenges you to seek the truth. If you are a new believer, I hope that this encourages you to dig deeper into your faith. If you are a Christian but have become complacent in your faith, I hope that this reminds you how wonderful it is to serve a God who loves you and knows you by name, and that this encourages you to share the Good News. Wherever you are in your faith or unbelief, I hope this helps you in whichever way you need.
I also want to address the three roles of God and how I refer to them, just to avoid future confusion. I believe God is triune, being one God in three persons. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So, here is how I will be addressing the Holy Trinity throughout this book:
God: The Father, the Creator, Yahweh, The Great “I am.” This is the role of God that is the being that created the universe. The being that always has been and always will be. This is our Heavenly Father. He has no beginning and no end. He is infinite, we are finite, therefore we will never fully understand this concept. God is outside of time and outside of our own logic.
Jesus: The Son, Yeshua, Emmanuel. Jesus is God, but God humbling Himself and coming down to earth in the form of a man. Jesus is known as the Son of God, Son of Man, the Messiah, and a lot of other names. He is the one who fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies. Jesus was fully God and fully man, lived a perfect and sinless life, died on a Cross for our sins, and rose three days later, granting humanity the gift of eternal life through Him.
Holy Spirit: This is the Spirit of God. This is the Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave and is the reason we can feel God’s presence. This is the Spirit that we invite into our hearts and then dwells within us when we accept Jesus’ gift of eternal life. The Spirit hovered over the waters during creation and is what dwelled in the Tabernacle during the Old Testament.
God is the Father. Jesus is the personification of God. The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit that dwells within us and gives us eternal life, along with other gifts and fruit (tangible things in your life that come from God). The Spirit is the being that allows God to be near, within, and around us. There are other explanations of the Trinity that are much more in-depth than this one, but I hope this will be enough explanation for the purpose of my writing.
I hope my writing can clear up confusing topics, encourages you, and challenges you!
Gabi :)