Why Follow Jesus?
What's the Big Deal?
Why spend so much time talking about God? Why not just do whatever makes me happy? Why should I care about what the Bible says?
All of these are good questions. When we choose to follow Jesus, it’s important that we understand the answers. We need to know why we do what we do, and value it. You can't just expect someone to listen to what you say because you say, "I said so," so let's look at the actual reasoning behind some of the things God calls us to do and be.
Why live for Christ? If we have to give so much up, where’s the appeal in that? Why suffer because of certain things we believe? No one likes being an outsider. Wouldn’t it be easier to accept Christ to get eternal life but then do our own thing anyway and ask for forgiveness after?
Easier, yes; but that isn't how God intended you to live, and it's not a way of life that benefits your relationship with God in any way. In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes, "You say, 'I am allowed to do anything'- but not everything is good for you. You say, 'I am allowed to do anything'- but not everything is beneficial. (1 Corinthians 10:23)"
Our Gift
God didn't send His Son to die for you, just so you could live unchanged. When we accept Christ, God changes our hearts. He does this because He wants a better life for you on earth, and an eternal one with Him in Heaven. If you're given a gift that incredible, it's natural to go through changes in how you act and treat people as a result of your heart changing.
For example, before I knew Jesus, I struggled with having a short temper. I would often raise my voice at others when I was angry, which is not what God wanted (the Bible tells us that the anger itself isn't the problem, it's how we respond. It's okay to be angry, but do not hurt others in any way as a result). After I accepted Christ, I learned to remind myself that God tells us to be slow to anger (because He is!). God showed me a new level of compassion for others. These struggles didn’t instantly disappear, but with time, He changed my heart.
God Knows Your Heart
Think about how you were before you knew Jesus, and if you’re still coming to know Him, think about how your life has been. We try to satisfy ourselves with worldly things to make us happy. While things the world gives us are not always necessarily bad, most of the time, if you're relying on them for your happiness and finding your identity in them, you may need to think about how these things are affecting your relationship with God.
Spoiler alert: NONE of these things, nor anything of this world, can satisfy you. When you drink from these fountains, it’s more like drinking salt water. For a while, you’ll think that because you’re drinking something, you’re being filled up. But instead, it’s actually dehydrating you; making you need more water than before and leaving you feeling empty at the end of the day. The world will look at your appearance and how you present yourself, but God sees your heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Instead, drink from the LIVING water; find your identity and seek to be satisfied with what the Lord has for you!
His approval is all that matters, and the only approval that will fulfill you (spoiler alert: God loves you no matter what, no matter how you even see yourself!).
Instead of the things this world has to offer that only grant temporary happiness, God tells us to focus on things that will give us JOY. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Fix your eyes on Jesus, and God will fill your life with the His Spirit, and the Fruits of the Spirit, which are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Not a Cage, But a Loving Father
When people talk about “living for Christ,” a lot of times people just see it as a set of rules you have to follow. Let me just tell you, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Let’s take a step back and remember the Gospel.
We weren't just wanting “fire insurance.” We were dead. Our souls were locked away, destined for eternal separation from God, and were going to stay like that forever. But then Jesus came. If it weren’t for the blood of Jesus washing us clean, we would still be dead, without hope. Never forget the sole reason you have breath in your lungs. Because of Jesus, we get to experience so much more than we ever could without Him. We get to live, and live joyously with purpose.
If you’re thinking that life with God means giving up having fun, just think for a second. He gave us His creation to enjoy. He created beaches, sunsets, hills and mountains, the ocean and lakes, and other people to love. He created laughter and joy. He did all of this for us.
Let’s get it straight: living for Jesus is what we’re meant to do, but the reason why we do it is because He is worthy. The simple answer of why we live for Christ is because He is worth it and deserves the praise. Because he saved my life, I will spend the rest of it doing my best to honor Him in all that I do, grateful for every moment, and telling others about how they can experience the same joy and salvation I did. That's what this blog is for! :)
Also, the way to look at how God sees us and wants us to not do certain things, is like a parent telling a little kid to eat vegetables with a small dessert, instead of only dessert. He doesn't want to take away things that actually give us joy, but because He wants us to thrive, there are things in our lives that aren't benefiting our relationship with Him or our quality of life, so He asks us to live differently.
Because He's a loving Father, He cares about what we do. If you had a child and let them run into oncoming traffic because you just let them do whatever they want, then that wouldn't be loving. It would be neglect, and that's not God's character.
Only Because of Jesus
Because of Jesus, I have breath in my lungs. I can laugh and smile, not just with temporary happiness, but with an unexplainable, true joy that feels like it's spilling out of my heart. The only explanation for that is Jesus. In fact, that joy we experience because of His Spirit dwelling in our hearts is the same joy God feels when we give Jesus our "yes."
Because of Jesus, I have refuge in my lows, and can talk to Him at any time, anywhere, and just as I am. There will still be times I get scared or sad, but now, I have hope in Jesus. I now know that He is always with me, so even when things get tough, I know I have Him. Following Jesus looks like coming to Him as you are, but not staying that way. It's not linear, so don't be discouraged if you feel like this is difficult at first. Being a Christian is not easy and you will have several moments where you feel lost, scared, etc. There will be times when it's hard, but always remind yourself that the reward of gaining Jesus is worth more than anything this world has to offer.
In Philippians 3:8, Paul explains it this way: "But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ."
The reason I tell you all this is because I want you to experience the love and life that Jesus can provide for you. There is power in saying yes to Jesus. If you feel that what I am saying stirs up something in your heart, don't ignore that.
Jesus just wants your heart. He doesn’t need anything fancy or polished, and He’s not asking that you get all “fixed up” before coming to know Him. Jesus wants us to give Him our hearts, no matter how sick or broken you may feel. He wants you to come as you are.